Making Fitness to lose weight

Fitness can help me lose weight?

Can I use a sport to end overweight or maintain a healthy weight using fitness equipment? If yes, this can be achieved?

The gym looks like a sweet set of physical activities to improve his physical condition.
Activities may be of cardio (endurance activities performed inside as cycling, stepper, the treadmill, the treadmill, the elliptical, etc..), Type aerobics (mainly during collective music step, low impact aerobics ...) or type muscle building based lightweight (fitness) or without load (during "abs legs buttocks"). Strength training is not considered fitness, it uses much heavier loads.

Can you lose weight by practicing fitness activity?

The answer may be yes, but this is true if you know how and technologies that promote weight loss by performing a physical activity adapted to its purpose.

How to get results?

A lot of us want to lose weight, but do not know how to go about losing weight.
Physical activity and the practice of cardio can consume energy. But to move does not necessarily imply the consumption of fat reserves.
Efforts short (a few seconds) will allow stocks to burn in the muscles, but our fat reserves are not consumed in this type of effort, in fact only be burned first stocks directly available to the muscles ( ATP and creatine).

Practicing physical activities longer are the glycogen stores which will be used (derived from glucose in the muscles).
If efforts are longer, we will ask our carbohydrate and lipid reserves.

To tap into our reserves of carbohydrates and lipids, it will be important to monitor physical activity.

If you want action on carbohydrate reserves must opt ​​for intense exercises that will help you burn mostly carbohydrates.

If you want action on lipid reserves, they are less intense and prolonged exercise that will focus.

It is therefore important to work on your endurance training. More you practice, the more you consume fat.
Build endurance through cardio training is a priority.

How to train preferentially endurance?

Must combine training:
- Regular rate of 3 times per week minimum
- A minimum of 30 to 45 minutes per session

Cardio training can be done in the gym or at home, it aims to improve endurance and cardiovascular capacity and cardio respiratory.
This training method can be performed using specific devices such as the treadmill, the exercise bike, rowing, the elliptical or stepper.
The effectiveness of cardio sessions is determined by your state of fitness, the intensity of work, the equipment used and the duration of your workout.
To lose weight it is necessary to integrate all these parameters.

Check his pulse is an important step in your cardio session.
Work intensity is the key to success: the intensity or heart heartbeat should be monitored during exercise to help you achieve your goal.
Whatever your level, you just have to work at the right intensity to achieve the desired result, the use of a heart rate monitor is highly recommended to perform work in the target area.

The formula: 220 - age = your maximum heart rate (more or less depending on your level 10 sports).
Once the maximum is determined, apply the correct percentage to your maximum frequency for results
60 to 65% for a drive to consume fats.

Choosing the right fitness equipment cardio training, working time and practice the correct frequency.

Once your heart rate determined, you will know which device to use for your cardio workout.

What duration and frequency for my training?

This depends on your state of fitness. It is estimated that the fat metabolism (activation of fat loss) starts after 20 to 30 minutes of effort. Resulted in an athlete use his fat faster after 10 minutes or even a few minutes for fans of endurance.

It is therefore essential to practice at least 30 minutes of cardio at 3 sessions per week to get a result.

The treadmill or treadmill.
The treadmill walking is aimed at experienced practitioners. Their level of practice allows them to activate the metabolism of fat while running. If you are untrained, prefer walking to running. The treadmill is a good way to burn calories.

The bike is the device best suited to fat loss. Your weight is carried, no trauma to the joints and back.) Easy to use, you can perfectly control the intensity of work by adjusting the resistance of the bike or pedaling faster or slower.

Rower provides a complete muscle recruitment. However, the practice is more tiring, and even with the correct intensity of work, you will exhaust faster than on a bicycle.

The elliptical should allow you a good range of motion. The unit is more spacious, more comfortable sitting and working effectively, and overall muscle load.

The stepper.
The quality of the machinery directly affects the outcome. The effort required by the practice of stepper is not suitable for everyone. Care for people with knee problems.
Whatever the device used cardio training, it is imperative to observe the correct heart rate. It is possible to change the device during training avoiding rest, this allows you to apply a maximum of muscle groups

by Jamal samaa