Five Steps To Healthy Weight Loss

With weight issues on the rise and weight-related diseases at an all time high, it's obvious that many people are struggling with their weight. Certainly people are not choosing to be fat, but so many people have real difficulty when it comes to losing weight. If you are one of these people who think they are fighting a losing battle against their bulge, then read on to find five steps to achieve your desired weight.
1. Figure out what a realistic goal for you is before you set your dream weight loss goal. If you decide that you want to weight 120 lbs, and you've never weighed 120 lbs in your adult life, then maybe that's not the most realistic expectation for your body. Consider using tools such as your body mass index to figure out what your ideal weight should be based on your age and height.
2. Make little changes over time. Are you a soda addict? Set a series of goals, first, set the goal to only drink soda every other day. Then set a goal to drink it once a week. Finally set a goal to kick it all together. If you apply this method to make gradual changes and set small goals leading up to your big goal, you'll see more success than if you just tried to go "cold turkey" on any of your bad habits.
3. Track your progress. Keep a journal and write down your weight every day. Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time to help cut down on wild weight swings in your entries. The best time to do it is in the morning right after you get out of bed. Next, keep a food diary. Write down everything that you eat and drink every day. Keeping a food diary has been proven over and over again to aid in successful weight loss. If pen and paper isn't your thing, there are a multitude of tracking programs you can install on your computer, and there are even plenty of smart phone apps that you can use.
4. Allow yourself cheat days. It's unrealistic for you to settle into a strict dietary regime if you'll always just be longing for your favorite treat. Allowing yourself a cheat day every now and then will help you focus on your goals without having to fret over the thought of never having your favorite foods again. Just remember, in order to have a successful cheat day, you should plan it in advance. Never ever have a spur of the moment cheat day. Write down the day you'd like to have your cheat day in your journal, and make note of any food you have been especially craving and pick out which foods you'd like to have on your cheat day. On your cheat day, don't stuff yourself. Make sure to stop eating before you feel full.
5. Find a weight loss partner. Having someone you're accountable to can make all the difference in your weight loss success. Make a plan to meet with your buddy at least once a week, and share each others' food journals. With this constant encouragement, you'll both be healthier and happier.
Losing weight can be difficult for some people, but it's never impossible. Just remember that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.