Your drastically over weight and finally are fed up with it. So you decide to take charge of your life and get back on the fitness wagon. You purchase a gym membership and a some weight training clothes. You purchase a few "magical" weight loss pills at a local health food store and begin your journey. A few weeks in you begin to notice that you are not getting anywhere. You begin to think you just can't do it and end up wasting your gym membership like so many others in the past.
Sound a bit familiar
Now before I begin I must tell you I have tried every weight loss product under the sun. I have tried and tried and to no avail I failed miserably. Back then I thought it was the products fault, but in reality it was my own fault. Now let me put it like this, let's say you buy a whole home gym and spend several thousands on the equipment. You finally get down assembling you massive home gym. Then you get so tired you never use it, so is all the equipment faulty or is it your own fault for not succeeding? Of course it is our own fault. But I have to admit that some people do not know how to effectively transform their body. It is a lot of hard work and it takes time and patience. So part of the blame falls on these companies who show you this overweight guy and then the dramatic transformation they go through in a few weeks.
Should we blame the manufacturers
Well for one, if you paying quite a bit for a product, shouldn't you get information with it that will help maximize your gains? Shouldn't they tell you upfront that results are not typical and that it will take A LOT of hard work on your part to get the body you have always dreamed of? Shouldn't the products come with other things besides just a pretty picture, a pill and a pat, and on your way you go? Well then again if we buy the product then we deserve it. If we stopped buying products that do not work, then that company will either be forced to shut down, or have to switch up their strategies.
When looking for a product, ALWAYS remember that it is a supplement, meaning it is not the solution but an added part to help you get to the solution. The solution is putting in the hard work at the gym, in your basement or where ever you may work out.So the key component is YOU and your motivation to excel! Without it, the product becomes useless and you end up throwing it away.
Are all products awesome?
No, I have run into many products that are pretty much junk. I have used all the so-called newest products and 9 times out of 10 they usually end up giving me a bad side effect, like bloating, mood changes, stomach aches and so on. So you have to pick and choose what you take. Most supplements that do come with a workout regimen are usually a bunch of nonsense thrown together.
Most people who consume these products are noobs to the fitness scene. So in reality they have NO idea what to do when it comes to working out, diet plans and the rest of the stuff that comes with working out. So before you throw your money down the drain, be sure to research the products you look at EXTENSIVELY. Why?Would you buy a car just because your favorite celebrity said it was cool, without researching it very carefully? Probably not, so why would you do this with a workout pill?Oh yeah because it doesn't cost as much as a car. Well put it this, if you're overweight and have tried to lose weight for the past year.
How much money have you spent on diet drinks, healthier food, memberships, magical lotions and potions? My guess is you probably have spent quite a bit, maybe not as much as buying a car, but a big chunk of change for nothing.
So what do I do?
First, like anything else in life you want to succeed at, you need a solid game plan. Your game plan should consist of many goals. First think about HOW much weight you want to get rid of, and WHY you want to lose it. If you're doing it for the attention of someone else then stop reading this right now because this isn't for you. You need to have a GOOD reason to change your body. Infatuations come and go, so with the loss of the infatuation comes the lose of your motivation to lose the excess pounds.
The next step is to create goals that are simple yet a little challenging. What I mean by this is, don't go all gung ho thinking you're going to lose 100 pounds in 2 weeks, because it's not going to happen. Think REALISTICALLY and set small goals. The third thing you need to do is to adapt some motivation in your life. With the advent of losing weight comes the negativity of all those around us, including family and friends.
I'm sure some of you heard the remarks before, " you're too skinny, are you on drugs" "you're to built are you on steroids" and this and that. The crap from others will never stop, because misery loves company. So create ways to motivate you! The way I do it is by harnessing the negative junk that people tell me and turning it into positive motivation. Next pick a supplement that actually will bring more out of the product then just a supplement. What I mean by this is, get something of value for the money. If it has a workout plan, charts, diagrams, videos and workout tips then by all means check it out. If it is just another pill with a pretty girl or guy on the back of it, then skip over it unless you're experienced in the workout scene. So a recap of what you need to do is as follows.
1. Sit down and create a plan, think about HOW much you want to lose, and WHY you are doing it.
2. Make your goals realistic, don't go overboard trying to lose 1000 pounds in under an hour. Take baby steps, be patient and go hard!
3. Create some type of motivational drive. Implement vision boards, quotes, pictures, videos and anything else that will keep you going! Utilize the nasty comments people tell you, there is nothing better than showing something that nothing is impossible... Remember Im-possible...
4. Pick up a weight loss supplement that gives you the full shabang for your buck. Don't pick up a bottle that costs 50-100 dollars just because they have pretty packaging and fit models on it. Most of the time those people Don't even use the products they endorse, true story! Be sure the product comes with an effective plan, videos, charts and more. This will benefit you tremendously if you're a newbie.
All in all, be sure that you stick with it and stay patient. Success comes to those who stay with something and constantly work and improve at it.
Picking the right product is CRUCIAL to help maximize your weight loss goals. Buying the wrong thing can put a dent in your plan. Your main focus should be a product with a weight loss plan, goals sheet, charts, videos and much more. That way you won't be lost from the get go. The product i recommend for that is Phen375. I dropped weight and their "free" added tools were excellent and detrimental to my weight loss. Not to mention the high quality products that are infused within the product! check it out
By Stefan P Rios