Balancing of them is an art of meditation that is common in Asia and started in the ancient times. The people believed that in order for one to be at peace with the surroundings, they have got to ensure that theirs are relaxed. Such a notion is what is used to ensure your well-being today.
The chakras are located on various spots along the spinal cord and there they serve different purposes. They have their own distinguishing colors that are unique to their points of location. The chakra is constantly spinning while on their spots and this helps them stay at equilibrium with the outside.
The good health of human bodies is a factor of free flow of energy through the chakra. They are always supposed to be operating without any problems as this is the reason why people are healthy. A little blocking of the energy flow due to health problems among several other factors is a hindrance.
Controlling them needs a mind that is sober and also knows where to focus upon. It is due to this that one ought to know where the chakras are before even going on with the meditation. One is thus able to know what they want and how nest they can get it via their meditation.
In order to take full control of the chakras hence balancing them, there is the need for you to get a peaceful place. You require very little or no distraction as you try to get to the energy spots on the spine. You could take a quiet room or stay away from human traffic maybe in a quiet countryside. This is something very important to note.
There is a systematic way of doing the balancing of them and you start from the bottom of the spinal cord. That is the root chakra and it is from that point that you move upwards through every other chakra on the way. At that time you will be having the eyes closed and envisioning everything.
It is required that you make a stop at every point of the spinal cord where there is a chakra. You should take time to relax and focus on the points and imagine a white ray of light driving your journey up the spine. The white light is a way of cleansing them and also making you see the spots as you move.
At the end of the first round of balancing your chakras, you may want to go back down or rather restart the whole procedure. Reason for such a repeat is ensuring that you get the best results from a process that is aimed at relaxing the energy systems. The result is peace and good health in the end.