Weight loss program

When it comes to weight loss the subject is vast and complex, which is why the actual loss of fat mass will take place through a winning combination of proper nutrition, daily physical activity and mental and physical relaxation. As I pointed out a moment ago need to understand that weight loss should occur through the consumption of fat mass. A person can be considered overweight if you have a body fat percentage of 15%, 20% you speak of obesity.

Before starting a training program suitable for the weight loss is appropriate to assess the body composition of our body such as running several TEST:


Impedance The skinfold is made by an instrument that measures the thickness of a fold of skin with its substrate of fat, making surveys in key areas (triceps skinfold, biceps, soprailiaca, thighs, abdomen, subscapular, axilla, chest) that represent the amount of body fat, it is possible to make an estimate of the total fat of the subject.

The impedenziometria is a test using special electrodes placed on the ankle and wrist of the subject highlights the cell mass, lean mass and fat mass, and extracellular fluids intracellurali. I think it is much more useful and complete skinfold as it allows us to understand in some periods of preparation if we are not accusing excessive cellular stress by reducing the amount of liquid present in our body.

The second step is to perform a medical specialist with regard to the food aspect and draw up a meal plan tailored to their physical characteristics, and the goal you want to achieve.

The next step is to plan an adequate preparation that takes into account the loss of adipose tissue we want to achieve and how fast. In general, we should not be in a hurry to consume excess fat excess, we have the small programming with intermediate targets. For example, if the goal is to lose 10kg, we should make sure that you lose 2, 3kg per month.

The training program should be based primarily on a cardiovascular workout without neglecting the strengthening muscles with strength machines found in gyms. The result will be more effective if we train in synergy, both from the point of view both cardiovascular and muscle. With cardiovascular exercise we will consume a lot of calories and thus increase the basal metabolic rate, and with the expansion with isotonic machines we will tone muscles, and increase lean body mass will increase further metabolism. Based on our physical condition you can start with a cardiovascular workout of 30 'while maintaining a heart rate equal to 75% of HRmax. As you spend weeks and we feel we can move on in the form runs for 40 ', then 50' with a heart rate equal to 70/80% HRmax and do so as much as possible trying to change the means of training (running slow race with variations) in order to transmit to the ever new stimuli. In addition to rely on increasing stimulus allenanti should also change the eating plan to suit the needs of our body.