Over the years, we realized that many of the demands of our users roughly followed this motto: "I work all day away from home, how do I stay on a diet?"
From our experience it is therefore born the exclusive Diet Office, perfect for getting into shape in September when to resume normal routine.
The secret? Forecasting the consumption of a quick lunch at the bar or restaurant, integrating the teachings of the Mediterranean diet with a proper dinner, getting a healthy and balanced diet that allows you to lose weight even to those who do not have time to cook your own meals. And all without giving up sandwiches, pizza and sandwiches.
"I'm happy with the diet office - says Roberta - I did other diets really unbearable ... Instead here I eat what I like! "
The main objective of the Diet Office is just to break the boredom and repetitiveness of cold lunches at the bar or in front of the desk.
With its menu, the fatigue of dieting and the perennial uncertainty about what to order at the bar will become just a bad memory.
Here is a sample menu recommended:
Breakfast: Corn Flakes, Milk and Coffee
Lunch: Sandwich with ham, salad and fruit
Dinner: Meatballs with vegetables, beans and bread
Snacks: Orange, Yogurt
The ideal time to try the Diet Office is now: Read all the success stories!