Not that I lose 5 or more pounds in thirty days is impossible, but can also waste by only 4 fat would allow you to enter the Guinness Book of Records!
We have said and repeated several times:
You might not know but a kilogram of fat has a calorific value of about 7800 kilocalories. Means that the loss of 6 kg of fat in a month requires a reduction in total calorie intake of 46,800 calories than necessary, ie 1500 calories less per day.Whereas a sedentary middle-aged woman has a daily calorie needs about 1500-1600 calories to lose 6 pounds of fat in a month should take only 50-100 calories per day for 31 days.
Still determined to succeed!
pesoTutte loss of the "diets" that promise to lose 5, 6 or more pounds in a month are made for you to gain weight. Oh yes, because weight loss means losing weight and not gain weight. There you ever think?
Decrease bone mass and muscle and dehydrate tissues without reducing the excess fat, it can only facilitate the rapid acquisition of the lost pounds, with a lot of interest.
And if any one of you are arguing: "But when the fat remains the same as I fat?" Knows that his reasoning is wrong.
Losing weight without losing fat inevitably leads to a reduction in basal metabolism. Basically, your body will get used to burn fewer calories, with all the negative consequences this entails.
But then how do you lose weight?
If you lose weight without losing fat means fat, gain muscle without gaining weight means weight loss. So the first thing to do is to join a gym. There are a lot of reasons why the association between sport and proper diet proves much more effective than simply reducing caloric intake. We see the main:
more even distribution of excess fat, increase body metabolism, mood enhancement, regulation of hunger, diet more "tolerable" because it is richer in calories, greater well-being and vitality, greater efficiency in daily activities, lower risk of developing certain diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cardio circulatory problems and some cancers)
Physical activity is recommended for weight loss and aerobic (cycling, jogging, running, cross country skiing, etc..) Continued for at least 35-40 minutes and practiced at least 3 times a week. To obtain a more toned and slender figure, it is recommended to associate some general toning exercise to be performed at the beginning of the workout.
And if you're too lazy for the sport?
You are doomed to failure! And if you are so good to refute this claim losing a few pounds, remember that the food is pleasure and pleasure is pleasure, and all too often give up the pleasures of good food will transform you into the "curmudgeons".
How many calories can I take if I do sports?
Obviously depends on how much and what sport practiced. You can calculate online calorie consumption in various sports and clicking on the following link.
Do not panic if you find that with the sport you consume fewer calories than you thought. Consider that your body will continue to burn even more after training, also become more efficient in using fat for energy.
And with the diet as I can regulate me?
We stress once again the importance of accurate information. The amount of food is not the only important parameter, you must also assess their quality. In this site there are hundreds of articles that will teach you to do the shopping and cooking with rationality. You can start by reading the following dietary advice.
In the "Special slimming" instead you will find effective solutions to lose weight ... erm, sorry to lose fat!