What is an anti cellulite diet? This is the problem of time while you focus on some very specific areas of your body. Too late to spend ten minutes a night to massage your thighs? Here are some good eating habits to switch to attack anti cellulite diet.
Building on breakfast: This is mostly a light meal in the evening to avoid the storage because it is from a certain time that the body retains fat. However, cellulite, What Is It if a reserve of fat? This is the morning that made his reservations intelligeamment with bread, vitamins, fiber-rich cereal ...
Bye bye fat: the anti cellulite diet is to avoid sugars, lipids, carbohydrates and even. Farewell pastries, meats, ice cream, sodas, fatty meats, cheese ... List hurt moral and well buttocks.
Hello protein and vegetables: Before depressing face to listing foods to avoid, it is to think about what is recommended. Wholemeal bread, lean meats and fish, cottage cheese 0%, green vegetables rich in fiber. These are your best allies even to consume at will!
Provide snack reasoned: "Taste" and "reasonable" will have to learn to rhyme! Not to rush the food to 13h or 20h, the small snack will be an excellent effect. Provided provide power hungry yoghurt without sugar, apple ... Or a slice of ham or a boiled egg that stall effectively. Accompanied by a few sips of water, it is less funny than chocolate crepe but more focused line!
by Jamal samaa