Developed by the American doctor Barry Sears, the middle regime is very effective for weight loss. It does not require a particular method of feeding.
The principle of the system "The Zone"
This scheme, also called "The Zone" or "The area diet", aims to restore hormonal balance in the body. This method seeks above all to keep unchanged the amount of sugar in the blood and insulin levels. This practice is based on the consumption of foods low calorie and with a reasonable amount of carbohydrates. Unlike other techniques, the regime Barry Sears does not require a specific restriction on food. You just need to ensure that each meal consumed provides a total of 500 calories. To this we can add a relish not exceeding 100 calories. This heat input ensures sufficient amount of sugar metabolism. This method advises otherwise, spacing two successive meals 5 hours.
Recommended foods in the diet of middle
A person who follows the rules of balance can eat normally. Everything will be fine for the moment she brought him his food what the brain needs in carbohydrate and insulin. The body should draw the calories in carbohydrates contained in foods such as rice, pasta or sugars. Proteins should be provided by the consumption of meat while fats provide every meal lipids according to the respective proportions of 40%, 30% and 30%. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is highly recommended for this system. It should also eat plenty of protein with little fat and do not forget to drink a good amount of water. However, it should avoid dried fruits and sweet juice. Corn, bananas and cereals are also banned for people who follow this type of diet.
The positive effects of regime middle
This weight loss diet was mainly conspicuous by its effectiveness and has the advantage to practice for a short period. The human brain, once needs sugar and insulin satisfied, ordered the body to stop to swallow food. This method differs from other methods by its non-binding. The proteins present in the food consumed by the dieter allow muscles to develop normally. This plan also eliminates feelings of fatigue related to efforts to lose weight. "The Zone Diet" helps to fight against certain diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. This technique also slows aging.