Just about the worst time to start a new diet is near the end of winter time (if you have that season where you live). There is so much pressure to lose weight to make yourself look better once the summer has arrived. The thing to remember is that changing your eating habits, especially when you start out, is how much patience is required.
You already know this but the diet industry caters mostly to the impatient part of you. People drink energy drinks not just to give themselves more energy but to also increase their metabolism's speed. Then there are diet pills that basically work on the same principle. If you want to have the greatest success, then try to have patience and approach things the right way.
Right now, in the US in particular, people automatically start to think about the fad diets when they hear the word diet. But as you understand, everybody has a diet that is all their own and it just refers to what they each every day in a habit. It's much easier for you to change your habits if you don't start thinking about them as some form of special diet. The word has lots of negativity clouding it and that is why so many people have psychological issues with it. You already know or at least have a good idea about what good and healthy foods actually are. So you need to focus on getting more of those into what you normally eat each day.
Failure is usually what happens to people when they make these kinds of huge and sweeping changes though. What you have to do is slow down your changes and make them little by little each and every day. Yes, this approach is not the impatient approach, but the success rates are higher when things are done with more common sense. Also, it really does not have to take that long to do this, either. The way to natural health is with the foods you eat, and that will only happen when you have the proper information. When you know the right path to take, it is just a matter of making the decision to follow it. Every different diet has people thinking it is good or bad, for an example. There might be diet principles that work for everyone, but the specifics can always be argued over. People are all different, and the path to health that works for one person, might not work the same for you, so find the path that works for you.