One easy superfood to add to your diet is wheat germ. It will boost your immune system. Wheat germ is packed clear full of zinc.
T-cells are a white blood cells called lymphocytes and are part of the immune system. If you have an adequate zinc intake, your T-cells are activated and make your immune system stronger. The amount of zinc - 17 milligrams - supplied in just 100 grams of wheat germ is more than enough to boost your immune system. Wheat germ is a great addition to many of the foods you prepare each day. It's as easy as sprinkling a handful on top of your morning oatmeal. Wheat germ has a nice, delicate taste and enhances anything it is mixed with or sprinkled on.
Eat some kale, but make sure that it is raw. The best form of Vitamin C available is found in raw kale. Not only that, but it is low in sugar and really high in fiber. Cooking kale diminishes the amount of Vitamin C that is available for your body, so it's much wiser to eat raw kale.
Garlic does more than protect you against vampires - just kidding. It's one of the best immune strengthening foods you can eat. Do you have a problem with the odor of fresh garlic? If you do, just think about all the immune boosting nutrients that are packed into that little, smelly clove. The best way to get to these compounds is to eat the garlic raw. It may seem strong, but if you want the best results, just chop up a fresh clove and swallow it down. If you can't bring yourself to do it, adding chopped garlic into the food your cooking is a great way to add flavor to your meals while also improving your immune system at the same time. Garlic is great so don't skimp on using it. The more you can consume, but more advantageous to your health.
Your mucous membranes, if they are healthy, fight the onset of any infections. It's easy to add sunflowers to your day. Just substitute them for the chips and other salty junk foods you normally eat. Try sprinkling sunflower seeds (without the shells) in your salad. This will help your immune system and increase the amount of protein your salad contains. It makes sense why sunflower seeds are one of nature's superfoods for strengthening your immune system.
You can exercise regularly. You can make sure to drink lots of water to help your body stay hydrated. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is, of course, one of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy body. For better protect, and a stronger immune system, make it a habit to eat immune-boosting superfoods frequently. This article has barely scratched the surface of superfoods you can use to boost your immune system. Do some research and you will discover more.