No matter how well you plan it, time has a way of getting away from us. Nowhere is this more evident than when a man is trying to lose weight fast for an event or special occasion. For example, it's easy to plan for a trimmer figure that cuts a dashing image for that special someone six weeks or eight weeks out. Planning is the easy part, and most men stick to their diet or their workout for the first and second week. But then life interferes and the image of that suave and debonair goal gets put on the back burner until suddenly, the event is ten days away and you still have to lose weight to reach your goal.

Therefore we must follow several rules :
Eat Breakfast
Men need to jump-start their metabolism by eating a healthy breakfast. This can be a bowl of high fiber cereal accompanied with low-fat milk and some fruit, or eggs with a slice or two of whole-grain bread. The high fiber cereal is a complex carbohydrate and will give you an energy boost, while the protein in the eggs aids in building and repairing muscles before and after working out. This ultimately results in a higher metabolism.
Snack Regularly
Eating two or three snacks during the day lessens cravings for high-sugar, weight-adding enemies and keeps your metabolism running strong, burning fat and calories all day. Choose cheese for calcium, fruit for fiber, a handful of nuts such as almonds or walnuts for essential fats, or low-fat yogurt for dairy.
Choose Meat
When it comes to lunch or dinner, you may believe eating a salad is better than enjoying a burger or piece of steak because of the calories. Men actually need more calories than women, so that steak can be more beneficial. In addition, it contains zinc, a mineral responsible for increasing testosterone levels. And for men, those higher levels of testosterone fuel metabolism and make it easier to build muscle, another means of burning more fat and calories. Choose toppings for your burger wisely: Rather than mayonnaise and ketchup, try lettuce, tomato and salsa. As a side, go for the salad or a veggie rather than the typical burger partner--french fries.
Water is a great alternative to carbonated beverages or pre-packaged juices packed with high fructose corn syrup. It has zero calories and helps cleanse the kidneys of toxins, making it easier for the body to metabolize fat.
Exercise is vital for anyone trying to lose weight. Cardiovascular exercises, such as swimming, walking or using the elliptical bike, are great for burning fat and calories and should be done four to five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. Strength training doesn't help you lose weight directly; but it does build muscle, which increases metabolism. Strength training should be done every other day, giving the muscles time to rest in between. On average, three days a week of strength training is sufficient for most men.