The following are 10 unconventional tips to lose weight that have worked for Kyle Pott:
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10 tips for losing weight |
Let me start by acknowledging that the way to say "less calories in, more calories out" is true. Yes, to lose weight you need to eat well and exercise. But it means much more than what it seems and I do not want to waste time reinventing ideas that you've heard before. This brings me to my first point:
Buy a digital scale
It sounds simple enough. I recommend that before starting a diet is purchased a bathroom scale that recognizes differences in weight of 100 grams (1 pound). Later I will explain why. I also recommend buying or scales that automatically stores your weight daily newspaper or write your weight on one sheet. I bought a precise scales that stores my weight change and it was a great investment.
Weighed every day
You will know that almost all the other diets say they only weigh yourself once a week. I recommend the exact opposite. I am very result oriented and I like to see the results every day. The reason I recommend buying a bathroom scale accurate to 100 grams is that there is a big difference between weigh 70.1 kg and 70.0 kg a day the next day. To lose a pound of weight in a single day is an excellent result. However, if the scale is not accurate enough to report the loss and still shows 70 kg after a day of healthy eating and exercise you feel very discouraged. A bathroom scale that shows even small changes in weight makes it easier to keep a positive attitude. More consecutive days with weight loss can be seen, the easier it is losing weight.
Drink 8 glasses of water each day
This is widely recommended, however, the reason why I recommend it is slightly different. Drink eight glasses of water a day helps you "feel less hungry." I can not prove it scientifically, however, when I'm at work, I drink 4 cups in the morning and 4 cups in the afternoon. The days when I do not drink the water I get hungry before. In addition, in the days when I do not drink the water I feel tired before. Do not be scared by the idea of drinking 8 glasses of water. Try to do as I do: I have two bottles of water for half a liter. Everything I do is drink a bottle of water in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Make your diet public
Tell people you're on a diet. There is no reason to be ashamed of being on a diet. I found that trying to keep my diet secret was harder than tell. In fact, tell your colleagues, his girlfriend, family, etc. will increase the sense of responsibility. Motivated me knowing that my coworkers and family knew that I was dieting because I did not want to fail. I also chose a typical picture "grease" and I put it on my fridge, in my office and on my bedroom wall. I wanted to have a constant reminder to lose weight. I know it's a cliche, but it was important for me to remind myself my ultimate goal.
I would also like to point out that, even though I was over 20 pounds overweight when I told people I was on a diet often said to me "you do not need a diet." This thing I found surprising because it was obvious that I was overweight. Be careful because you will likely hear similar comments. I found it easier to accept the "compliment" and close the discussion there rather than groped to explain to them my diet. Remember that you are on a diet for yourself and you do not need to justify yourself.
Do not diet on the weekends
This is another unconventional advice. I managed to lose over 20 pounds without dieting on the weekends. I realized I was tired, depressed and unmotivated when I tried to continue my diet into the weekend. I heard that on Friday and Saturday (my weekend) were moments to celebrate 5 days of dieting. You will not find it necessary especially during the first weeks of dieting. However, several weeks pass more on weekends becomes for me a time to celebrate my success this week and be mentally prepared for another five days of dieting. I consider it a mental recharge.
Do not sacrifice your life for your diet
Sometimes you will find yourself unable to eat healthy. To be due to the lunches with your team at work, birthdays, or special occasions, there will be events in which you can not (or will not) eat healthy. A diet you sembrearà overwhelming if you have to sacrifice special events in your life. The way to combat this was to exchange a day of bad mistake with one of those in which I was not the diet over the weekend. In other words, if I did not diet on Tuesday, for example, I had a day diet to Saturday.
Make small changes
This is a fairly common suggestion, however, I have changed slightly. Rather than giving up what most diets say you should remove (soft drinks, coffee, beer, caffeine, etc.), I simply made decisions healthier. I did not want to give up anything, so I decided to make some changes. The first change I made was switching to coke light. Do not worry, you quickly get used to the different taste. Before starting my diet, I swore I'd never drunk a drink light. Now, thanks to my girlfriend, I drink only light drinks. The second change I made was to drinking black coffee. Lever sugar and cream, and you get the advantage of coffee (caffeine) without the calories. The last important step that I did was to beer "healthy". I'm a Miller Lite beer drinker, but with a temporary switching to Beck's Premier Light (60 calories per bottle), I could still enjoy a healthy social life while maintaining my diet.
In addition to making small changes in your diet, make small changes in your life: park further away, walk to the end of the station to catch the train, park the car at the last places in the bottom and promettiti not to take an elevator for a ' entire week. I also found it useful to use a pedometer and try to compete against myself as I could walk in a single day. The day I walked more than I did 10 km. I went voluntarily to work on foot twice a week.
Earn perspective by understanding the fractions
Your diet is an incredibly small percentage of your life. If you live for 80 years, and you've been on a diet for four months, it was only the 0.42% of your life. That's right, if you're on a diet for four months, will be less than half of one percent of your life. On the other hand, think of the great benefits you can get from the 0.42% of your life. If it helps you stay motivated, do a countdown starting from 120 days.
Streamline your exercise
Finding time to go to the gym can be very difficult. However, half an hour workout is only 2% of your day (assuming 24 hours a day). For me, the most motivating was to compare the time spent in the gym watching a show. Because I'm a big fan of "Everybody Loves Raymond" every time I sit down to watch an episode, I remind myself that in the half hour that I was sitting and doing nothing, I could complete my daily workout.
You've lost weight, now what?
Once you lose weight you need to maintain it. You must choose a weight and commit to not weigh no more than that. It is normal for your body vary in weight between 2 and 4 pounds. I recommend that you choose a weight that is greater than 4.5 kg in the "normal" and weigh no more than that. Setting this weight limit allowed me to maintain my weight for over a year.
Finally, for the curious out there ... I followed the Weight Watchers diet. I paid for the diet, nor I went to meetings. I found all the information on diet online. The first thing you see is their patent.
All the best-known diets are available via Google Patent Search. For all the months that I was dieting, I did not eat red meat and made sure to drink a lot of milk. The suggestions that I have described have worked perfectly for me and will work for you too. Before creating this approach to my diet, I have tried to lose weight repeatedly failing forever. What do you think of these suggestions? Do you have another board that is not in the list? Let it be known in the comments.
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