What is a healthy diet?

"It goes without saying that an overweight person lose excess weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle and balanced. A person underweight will gain."
There is no diet lifestyle
If weight loss is a false goal, lightning miracle diets that promise quick results with little effort are misleading and dangerous. "To achieve or regain a healthy weight is not just eating less or differently. Need to change habits and overall lifestyle," says the expert. "There are no shortcuts: you have to take more exercise. Simply buy a pair of sneakers and running half an hour a day around the block. Or, if you prefer, go to the gym, sign up at the pool, or buy an exercise bike a rowing machine and use them at home.'s important is to increase the daily energy expenditure and eat properly, without taking on more of that spending. "

Lead a sedentary life and hope to lose the excess weight just by reducing food intake is counterproductive. "Firstly, because diets aimed at weight loss usually have a limited duration and are interrupted just the weight returns to rise," says the expert. "Secondly, because our metabolism adjusts to the availability of food and, if we eat less in the long run learn to make better use of the energy we get, nullifying the benefits of diet"
To lose 2 pounds just common sense, otherwise you need an expert
What, then, specifically to eliminate the extra pounds? "If we talk about one or two extra pounds, just do a little 'exercise more and eat a little' less," he says Ghiselli. "If the problem is more serious and excess weight are six, seven or even ten, better consult a nutritionist. Beware, though, do not go by the dietician with the claim of a quick fix to lose weight, but to ask for help set a healthy and balanced eating plan according to your physical activity. The change must be comprehensive and lasting. "